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Encounters with Jesus - Part 1:


This series of dramas and printed resources deals with the encounters with Jesus by various persons from throughout His ministry. In these studies we learn of the mighty power of Jesus to save and transform a person’s life. The word encounter is a key word in the series. Just as individuals who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry were changed, so persons today who encounter Christ are changed.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ and to follow in baptism and a life of discipleship.

Encounters with Jesus - Part 2:


This series of dramas and printed resources deals with the encounters with Jesus by various persons from throughout His ministry. In these studies we learn of the mighty power of Jesus to save and transform a person’s life. The word encounter is a key word in the series. Just as individuals who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry were changed, so persons today who encounter Christ are changed.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ and to follow in baptism and a life of discipleship.

  1. 001 An Encounter with the Cross
  2. 002 Little Children Welcomed by Jesus
  3. 003 A Hunched Back And A Hardened Heart
  4. 004 Confusion Encounters Clarify
  5. 005 Thomas From Doubter to Believer
  6. 006 Beneath The Cross of Jesus
  7. 007 Grasping For The Wind
  8. 008 Lost And Found
  9. 009 Gone Fishing
  10. 010 Saul Encounters the Living Jesus

Early Prophets of God:


God has never left Himself without a witness in the world. He called many persons to serve as prophets and deliver His message to His people. These prophets played a significant role in the story of God’s people through the years. This series portrays the lives of five of these early prophets.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The listener will understand the importance of boldness and courage in living for God.

  1. 001 Enoch: The Man Who Walked With God
  2. 002 Samuel: Judge, Priest, Prophet
  3. 003 Nathan: Advisor to the King
  4. 004 Elijah: The Reluctant Prophet
  5. 005 Elisha: The Prophet's Apprentice

Great Trials of Men and Women in the Bible:


Trials of various kinds come to every person. No one is exempt. Testing and trials have always been part of the human experience. This series of 12 drama programs describes the trials experienced by some of the men and women in the Christian Bible.


The purpose of the series is evangelistic. To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and follow Him.

  1. 001 Great Trials of Job : The Man Who Sat in the Ashes and Challenged God
  2. 002 Great Trials of Abraham : The Old Man Who Bound His Son Upon an Altar
  3. 003 Great Trials of Jacob: The Man Who Wrestled With God
  4. 004 Great Trials of Joseph: The Man Who Was Unjustly Accused
  5. 005 Great Trials of Hannah : The Woman Who Bargained With God
  6. 006 Great Trials of Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego: A Night in the Fiery Furnace
  7. 007 Great Trials of Daniel : The Man Who Slept With Hungry Lions
  8. 008 Great Trials of Ezekiel : The Man Who Could Not Mourn
  9. 009 Great Trials of Esther: The Young Woman Who Saved Her People
  10. 010 Great Trials of John the Baptist: The Man Who Wore Camels' Hair
  11. 011 Great Trials of Paul The Man Who was Shipwrecked and Beaten for God
  12. 012 Great Trials of Jesus in the Garden

The Life of Abraham:


The guiding theme of this series is the faith of Abraham and the faithfulness of God. The series of 15 programs follows the life of the patriarch Abraham from his departure from Ur in Chaldea to his death in the land of Canaan at the age of 175. Throughout his life Abraham faced many trials, and through them all he was a man of steadfast faith. God promised Abraham that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him, a promise that found its fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

Persons Who Met Jesus:


This is a series of 13 studies of persons who met Jesus. Emphasis is on how their lives were changed by meeting the Savior.

  1. 001 Nicodemus
  2. 002 The Woman at the Well
  3. 003 The Good Samaritan
  4. 004 Feeding the Five Thousand
  5. 005 The Demon-Possessed Man
  6. 006 Zacchaeus
  7. 007 The Rich Young Ruler
  8. 008 The Man Blind from Birth
  9. 009 Mary Magdalene
  10. 010 One of the Multitude
  11. 011 The Adulterous Woman
  12. 012 The Crucifixion of Jesus
  13. 013 The Resurrection of Jesus

Women Who Trusted God:


This series of 10 programs tells the stories of ten women of faith who trusted God. The Christian Bible gives positive examples of people that we should seek to emulate. This series of ten programs lifts up positive role models to be emulated.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

  1. 001. Hagar- A Woman Who Found God in the Desert
  2. 002. Jochebed- As a Lioness Guards Her Cub
  3. 003. Rahab The Harlot Who Trusted in God
  4. 004. Deborah- Warrior Woman
  5. 005. Ruth- A Woman Who Found Love in a Barley Field
  6. 006. Hannah- A Woman Who Bargained With God
  7. 007. Abigail- THE Woman Whose Husban Turned to Stone
  8. 008. Zarephath- A Woman Who Picked Up Sticks and Found God
  9. 009. The Shunammite Woman-The Woman whose Son sneezed 7 times
  10. 010. Esther- The Beauty Queen Who Saved Her People

The Life Of Christ:


This series of 25 studies provides an overview of the life and ministry of Christ, with special emphasis on His supernatural birth, His mighty works, His teachings, and His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead.


The Promise of a Savior

Acts of the Early Disciples:


Who is Jesus? (Pashto):


This series of 8 dramas/study guides based on Jesus’ revelation of Himself in the Gospel of John. The series is built primarily around the great “I Am” statements of Jesus.


The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The series provides the listener/reader with unique insights into the Person of Jesus through metaphors of everyday objects and concepts people are familiar with.

  1. 001 I Am the Living Water
  2. 002 I Am the Bread of Life
  3. 003 I Am Has Sent Me
  4. 004 I Am the Light of the World
  5. 005 I Am the Gate to the Sheepfold... I Am the Good Shepherd
  6. 006 I Am the Resurrection and the Life
  7. 007 I Am the Way
  8. 008 I Am the True Vine

Four Great Events in the Life of Jesus (Pashto):


This series of 4 dramas highlight very significant days in the Bible when God son Jesus changed the world.


To lead the listener to the saving knowledge and faith in God and Jesus Christ; and to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ in a life of discipleship.

  1. 001 Jesus died on the cross
  2. 002 Jesus rose from the dead
  3. 003 Jesus ascended to Heaven
  4. 004 Jesus will return to Earth

The Life of Abraham (Pashto):


The guiding theme of this series is the faith of Abraham and the faithfulness of God. The series of 15 programs follows the life of the patriarch Abraham from his departure from Ur in Chaldea to his death in the land of Canaan at the age of 175. Throughout his life Abraham faced many trials, and through them all he was a man of steadfast faith. God promised Abraham that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him, a promise that found its fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

Knowing the One True God (Pashto):


  1. 001 - Our Source of Living Water
  2. 002 - Our Source of Spiritual Strength
  3. 003 - Creator God
  4. 004 - All Knowing God
  5. 005 - Everywhere Present God
  6. 006 - God is Holy
  7. 007 - God is Love
  8. 008 - God Provides Salvation

Jesus the Victor Over Evil Spirits (Pashto):


  1. 001 Jesus Healed a Demoniac in the Synagogue
  2. 002 Jesus Healed the Gerasene Demoniace
  3. 003 Jesus Healed a Demon Possessed Man
  4. 004 Jesus Healed a Girl Suffering from Demon Possession
  5. 005 Jesus Healed a Boy that had a Demon
  6. 006 Jesus Healed a Woman Crippled by a Spirit

Three Great Men and God (Pashto):


  1. 001 A Great Man of God Abraham
  2. 002 A Great Man of God Moses
  3. 003 A Great Man of God David
  4. 004 God with us Jesus

Hope in the Darkest Night (Pashto):


  1. 001 Mighty Pharaohs Edict and the Baby's Basket
  2. 002 Nothing but a Handful of Flour and a Little Oil
  3. 003 A Courageous Queen Stands Against Evil
  4. 004 A Night with Hungry Lions
  5. 005 The Beheading of Gods Prophet
  6. 006 The Leper Who Fell to the Ground and Begged
  7. 007 The Beggar Who Received His Request

They Met the Master (Pashto):


  1. 001 The Man Who Got Born Again
  2. 002 The Demoniac of Capernaum
  3. 003 The Paralytic of Capernaum
  4. 004 The Lame Man at Bethesda
  5. 005 The Man with a Withered Hand
  6. 006 The Centurion of Capernaum
  7. 007 The Woman Who Anointed Jesus' Feet

Jesus the Compassionate Savior (Pashto):


  1. 001 Jesus Heal the Sick
  2. 002 Jesus Helps the Helpless
  3. 003 Jesus Clothes the Naked
  4. 004 Jesus Feeds the Hungry
  5. 005 Jesus Gives Hope to the Hopeless
  6. 006 Jesus Gives Sight to the Blind
  7. 007 Jesus Comforts the Brokenhearted
  8. 008 Jesus Saves the Lost

Great Trials of Men and Women in the Bible (Pashto):


Trials of various kinds come to every person. No one is exempt. Testing and trials have always been part of the human experience. This series of 12 drama programs describes the trials experienced by some of the men and women in the Christian Bible.


Trials of various kinds come to every person. No one is exempt. Testing and trials have always been part of the human experience. This series of 12 drama programs describes the trials experienced by some of the men and women in the Christian Bible.

  1. 001 The Man Who Sat in the Ashes and Challenged God
  2. 002 The Old Man Who Bound His Son Upon an Altar
  3. 003 The Man Who Wrestled with God - Jacob
  4. 004 The Man Who Was Unjustly Accused - Joseph
  5. 005 The Woman Who Bargained With God - Hannah
  6. 006 A Night in the Fiery Furnace - Daniel
  7. 007 The Man Who Slept With Hungry Lions - Daniel
  8. 008 The Man Who Could Not Mourn - Ezekiel
  9. 009 The Young Woman Who Saved Her People - Esther
  10. 010 The Man Who Wore Camel's Hair for God - John the Baptist
  11. 011 The Man Who Was Shipwrecked and Seaten for God - Paul
  12. 012 The Great Trial of Jesus in the Garden

What is God Like (Pashto):


  1. 001 God Knows Who I Am
  2. 002 God is Our Heavenly Father
  3. 003 Jesus is God

Who is Jesus (Punjabi):


  1. 01 - I Am The Living Water
  2. 02 - I Am The Bread Of Life
  3. 03 - I Am Has Sent Me
  4. 04 - I Am The Light Of The World
  5. 05 - I Am The True Shepherd
  6. 06 - I Am The Resurrection And The Life
  7. 07 - I Am The Way
  8. 08 - I Am The True Vine

Knowing The One True God (Punjabi):


  1. 01 - God Is Spirit, Our Source Of Living Water
  2. 02 - All Powerful God, Our Source Of Spiritual Strength
  3. 03 - God Is Creator
  4. 04 - All Knowing God
  5. 05 - Everywhere Present God
  6. 06 - God Is Holy
  7. 07 - God Is Love
  8. 08 - God Provides Salvation

Jesus The Compassionate Savior (Punjabi):


  1. 01 - Jesus Heals The Sick
  2. 02 - Jesus Helps The Helpless
  3. 03 - Jesus Clothes The Naked
  4. 04 - Jesus Feeds The Hungry
  5. 05 - Jesus Gives Hope To The Hopeless
  6. 06 - Jesus Gives Sight To The Blind
  7. 07 - Jesus Comforts The Broken Hearted
  8. 08 - Jesus Saves The Lost

Hard Questions About God (Punjabi):


  1. 01 Is There A God
  2. 02 Does God Care
  3. 03 Does God Knows Who I Am
  4. 04 Why Does God Allow Suffering
  5. 05 Why Does God Allow Suffering Part B
  6. 06 Why Do The Just Die Young
  7. 07 Why Does Evil Always Seem To Win