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The Final Week of Jesus Earthly Ministry:


The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central event in all of human history. The Old Testament looks forward to it; the Gospels proclaim it; and the rest of the New Testament looks back to it and explains it. The death and resurrection of Christ was the main message of the early believers as they traveled throughout the Graeco-Roman world. The apostle Paul wrote, “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the twelve” (1 Cor. 15:3-5). Fanny Crosby, the blind gospel song writer, wrote, “Tell me the story of Jesus, Write on my heart every word; Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard.” This series of 16 dramas tell of the final week in that precious story. Beginning with the encounter with Zacchaeus in Jericho, the dramas follow the events of that last week, including Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the second cleansing of the temple, the plotting of the religious leaders to trap Jesus, the meal in the home of Simon the leper, Jesus’ last meal with His disciples, the betrayal in Gethsemane, the illegal trails of Jesus, the death of Jesus on the cross and His burial, and then His glorious resurrection. The dramas are fast-moving and are riveting in their power to captivate listeners. They are filled with suspense, intrigue, plotting, conflict and resoluteness as Jesus faced the cross. The sufferings of Jesus while on the cross are portrayed in an unforgettable manner. Paul wrote, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us” (2 Cor. 5:21). It is shocking to hear what this means as He was dying on the cross. The series closes with the women, who came to the empty tomb early on the third day, running to tell the disciples, “He is risen! He is risen!”


To lead the listener to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The series will help the listener understand the purpose and meaning of the crucifixion of Jesus. Believers will be strengthened in their desire to tell others and to stand strong in the face of persecution.

  1. 001 The Brewing Storm
  2. 002 A Spectacular Entrance
  3. 003 Into the Lion's Den
  4. 004 The Push Back
  5. 005 Final Confrontation
  6. 006 Assembling the Opposition
  7. 007 One Last Meal with His Friends
  8. 008 Betrayal
  9. 009 Face to Face with the Adversary
  10. 010 Up All Night with Accusers
  11. 011 Early Morning Tribunal
  12. 012 Entertaining the King
  13. 013 The Case Against Jesus Christ
  14. 014 When the Sun Refused to Shine
  15. 015 The Death of Jesus Christ
  16. 016 Up from the Grave

Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul Part 1:


This is a three-part series based on Acts 13-28, along with parts of Acts 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and selected portions of his letters to the churches. It follows the life and ministry of the apostle Paul from his early background and persecution of the church to his dramatic conversion an then his ministry across the Greco-Roman world, ending with him facing martyrdom in Rome.


The series is evangelical in nature, showing the universality of the Gospel; that any person can receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life by trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The series demonstrates the mighty power of God to break down the strongholds of Satan and bring men and women to the light of His truth. It shows how God guided the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul Part 2:


This is a three-part series based on Acts 13-28, along with parts of Acts 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and selected portions of his letters to the churches. It follows the life and ministry of the apostle Paul from his early background and persecution of the church to his dramatic conversion an then his ministry across the Greco-Roman world, ending with him facing martyrdom in Rome.


The series is evangelical in nature, showing the universality of the Gospel; that any person can receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life by trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The series demonstrates the mighty power of God to break down the strongholds of Satan and bring men and women to the light of His truth. It shows how God guided the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

  1. 001 Paul and Barabas Separated
  2. 002 Paul and Silas in Derbe (The Letter)
  3. 003 Paul Returns to Scene of Stoning
  4. 004 Paul and Companions in Philippi (The Call to Europe)
  5. 005 Gospel Enters Europe
  6. 006 Freedom for a Slave, Prison for Paul and Silas
  7. 007 Turning the World Upside Down
  8. 008 Paul Alone in Athens
  9. 009 Paul in Corinth

Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul Part 3:


This is a three-part series based on Acts 13-28, along with parts of Acts 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, and selected portions of his letters to the churches. It follows the life and ministry of the apostle Paul from his early background and persecution of the church to his dramatic conversion an then his ministry across the Greco-Roman world, ending with him facing martyrdom in Rome.


The series is evangelical in nature, showing the universality of the Gospel; that any person can receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life by trusting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The series demonstrates the mighty power of God to break down the strongholds of Satan and bring men and women to the light of His truth. It shows how God guided the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

Early Prophets of God:


God has never left Himself without a witness in the world. He called many persons to serve as prophets and deliver His message to His people. These prophets played a significant role in the story of God’s people through the years. This series portrays the lives of five of these early prophets.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The listener will understand the importance of boldness and courage in living for God.

  1. 001 Enoch: The Man Who Walked With God
  2. 002 Samuel: Judge, Priest, Prophet
  3. 003 Nathan: Advisor to the King
  4. 004 Elijah: The Reluctant Prophet
  5. 005 Elisha: The Prophet's Apprentice

Seekers Of His Kingdom:


  1. 001 The Subtle Call of the Kingdom
  2. 002 The Rise and Fall of Hope
  3. 003 Inquiring Minds Want to Know
  4. 004 Strong Wills in Conflict
  5. 005 Can You Keep a Secret?
  6. 006 The Deception Develops
  7. 007 Standing Alone
  8. 008 The Dream Maker
  9. 009 Keep It Simple
  10. 010 The Forgiven
  11. 011 Love Conquers Hate
  12. 012 Preparing for Destiny
  13. 013 Meeting at the Crossroads

Women Prophets of God:


During Old Testament times God called many persons to be His spokespersons and call for His people to turn from their wayward ways. Some of the spokespersons were women, women who were not afraid to speak the Word of God to the people. This series of four programs portrays four of these prophetesses, or women prophets.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The listener will understand that God can use every person.

  1. 001 Miriam
  2. 002 Deborah
  3. 003 Isaiah's Wife
  4. 004 Huldah

Great Trials of Men and Women in the Bible:


Trials of various kinds come to every person. No one is exempt. Testing and trials have always been part of the human experience. This series of 12 drama programs describes the trials experienced by some of the men and women in the Christian Bible.


The purpose of the series is evangelistic. To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and follow Him.

  1. 001 Great Trials of Job : The Man Who Sat in the Ashes and Challenged God
  2. 002 Great Trials of Abraham : The Old Man Who Bound His Son Upon an Altar
  3. 003 Great Trials of Jacob: The Man Who Wrestled With God
  4. 004 Great Trials of Joseph: The Man Who Was Unjustly Accused
  5. 005 Great Trials of Hannah : The Woman Who Bargained With God
  6. 006 Great Trials of Shadrach, Meshach and Abenego: A Night in the Fiery Furnace
  7. 007 Great Trials of Daniel : The Man Who Slept With Hungry Lions
  8. 008 Great Trials of Ezekiel : The Man Who Could Not Mourn
  9. 009 Great Trials of Esther: The Young Woman Who Saved Her People
  10. 010 Great Trials of John the Baptist: The Man Who Wore Camels' Hair
  11. 011 Great Trials of Paul The Man Who was Shipwrecked and Beaten for God
  12. 012 Great Trials of Jesus in the Garden

The Life of Abraham:


The guiding theme of this series is the faith of Abraham and the faithfulness of God. The series of 15 programs follows the life of the patriarch Abraham from his departure from Ur in Chaldea to his death in the land of Canaan at the age of 175. Throughout his life Abraham faced many trials, and through them all he was a man of steadfast faith. God promised Abraham that all peoples on earth would be blessed through him, a promise that found its fulfillment in the coming of the Messiah.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

Friend or Foe?:


These programs, 18 minutes in length, involve a host and two guests studying the Bible together, bringing biblical principles and teachings to bear upon issues that youth everywhere face today. The studies cover a wide range of topical areas including self, peers, social/media, parents and God.


There are two main purposes for this series: (1) To provide help to youth with the many issues and problems they face today. They are provided with biblical principles and teachings to help them in their daily lives. (2) To lead the listener to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

  1. 001 Friendships
  2. 002 Bullying
  3. 003 Pressure
  4. 004 Lying
  5. 005 Stealing
  6. 006 Cliques

The Story of Joseph:


This series of five programs tells the story of Joseph, a man who overcame great obstacles and a man who trusted God. This series of five programs lifts up a positive role model.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

  1. 001 Joseph's Eary Years: Building A Strong Foundation
  2. 002 Joseph, The Spiritually Free Slave
  3. 003 Joseph Faces Temptation
  4. 004 Joseph, Man Of Character, Man Of God
  5. 005 The Betrayed Faces His Betrayers

Women Who Trusted God:


This series of 10 programs tells the stories of ten women of faith who trusted God. The Christian Bible gives positive examples of people that we should seek to emulate. This series of ten programs lifts up positive role models to be emulated.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

  1. 001. Hagar- A Woman Who Found God in the Desert
  2. 002. Jochebed- As a Lioness Guards Her Cub
  3. 003. Rahab The Harlot Who Trusted in God
  4. 004. Deborah- Warrior Woman
  5. 005. Ruth- A Woman Who Found Love in a Barley Field
  6. 006. Hannah- A Woman Who Bargained With God
  7. 007. Abigail- THE Woman Whose Husban Turned to Stone
  8. 008. Zarephath- A Woman Who Picked Up Sticks and Found God
  9. 009. The Shunammite Woman-The Woman whose Son sneezed 7 times
  10. 010. Esther- The Beauty Queen Who Saved Her People

Women Who Lived Without God:


This series of 9 programs tells the stories of nine women who lived without God. The Bible gives positive examples of people that we should seek to emulate and also negative examples of people that we should seek to turn away from. This series of nine programs lifts up negative role models to be avoided.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him.

Scenes From The Life of Jesus:


This series of 15 programs provides an overview of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ with special emphasis on His supernatural birth, His mighty works, His teachings and His death on the Cross for our sins and His resurrection from the dead. The series starts with the prophecy pointing to The Promise of a Savior.

  1. 001 The Promise of a Savior
  2. 002 Mary
  3. 003 The Birth of Jesus
  4. 004 John the Baptist
  5. 005 Jesus Begins His Ministry
  6. 006 Jesus Ministers to His Disciples
  7. 007 Through the Roof: The Healing of the Paralytic
  8. 008 Jesus and the Leper
  9. 009 The Transfiguration of Jesus
  10. 010 The Raising of Lazarus
  11. 011 Authorities Plot Against Jesus
  12. 012 The Lord's Supper
  13. 013 The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus
  14. 014 The Resurrection of Jesus
  15. 015 The Great Commission and Ascension

Persons Who Met Jesus:


This is a series of 13 studies of persons who met Jesus. Emphasis is on how their lives were changed by meeting the Savior.

  1. 001 Nicodemus
  2. 002 The Woman at the Well
  3. 003 The Good Samaritan
  4. 004 Feeding the Five Thousand
  5. 005 The Demon-Possessed Man
  6. 006 Zacchaeus
  7. 007 The Rich Young Ruler
  8. 008 The Man Blind from Birth
  9. 009 Mary Magdalene
  10. 010 One of the Multitude
  11. 011 The Adulterous Woman
  12. 012 The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Story of Esther:


This is a series of 4 dramas that tell the story of a great woman of the Old Testament. Esther was not great because of worldly accomplishments; she was great because of her faith and obedience to God. Faith in God is the unifying theme that binds the average person to accomplish great things.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: to lead the listener to trust God, so should persons today place their faith in God and receive the salvation He has provided through Jesus Christ. A secondary purpose is to provide the listener with an overall view of God’s dealings with His people.

  1. 001 The Discovery of a Beauty Queen
  2. 002 A Decision That Made All the Difference
  3. 003 Haman and His Gallows
  4. 004 The Deliverance of God's People

Life of Christ:


This series of 25 studies provides an overview of the life and ministry of Christ, with special emphasis on His supernatural birth, His mighty works, His teachings, and His death on the cross for our sins, and His resurrection from the dead.


The Promise of a Savior

Encounters with Jesus - Part 1:


This series of dramas and printed resources deals with the encounters with Jesus by various persons from throughout His ministry. In these studies we learn of the mighty power of Jesus to save and transform a person’s life. The word encounter is a key word in the series. Just as individuals who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry were changed, so persons today who encounter Christ are changed.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ and to follow in baptism and a life of discipleship.

Encounters with Jesus - Part 2:


This series of dramas and printed resources deals with the encounters with Jesus by various persons from throughout His ministry. In these studies we learn of the mighty power of Jesus to save and transform a person’s life. The word encounter is a key word in the series. Just as individuals who encountered Jesus during His earthly ministry were changed, so persons today who encounter Christ are changed.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ and to follow in baptism and a life of discipleship.

  1. 001 An Encounter with the Cross
  2. 002 Little Children Welcomed by Jesus
  3. 003 A Hunched Back And A Hardened Heart
  4. 004 Confusion Encounters Clarify
  5. 005 Thomas From Doubter to Believer
  6. 006 Beneath The Cross of Jesus
  7. 007 Grasping For The Wind
  8. 008 Lost And Found
  9. 009 Gone Fishing
  10. 010 Saul Encounters the Living Jesus

The Story of Jonah:


The story of Jonah is a thrilling account of the sovereignty of God and His love for all peoples and how He wants everyone to know Him. It is also a story of God’s mercy—His mercy for the people of the city of Nineveh, His mercy to Jonah, and His mercy to pagan sailors. Jesus referred to the experience of Jonah as an illustration of His resurrection (Mt. 12:39-­‐40). The truths about God that we learn from this story are truths people everywhere need to know.


To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The listener will gain understanding of the importance of obedience to God and the consequences of running from God. The central theme of God’s love and concern for the entire world will be good news indeed.

  1. 001 The Man Who Ran from God
  2. 002 The God of the Second Chance
  3. 003 The God Who Would Not Let Jonah Go

Core of Me:


This series deals with the general area of self. Included are the topics of career choice, decision making, anger management, grief, loneliness, poverty, and identity crisis.


The listener will receive biblical guidance for dealing with the many areas related to self. Listeners will be motivated to put biblical principles into practice in these areas and will be encouraged to trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Jesus the Mighty Savior:


Jesus has all power over everything. Even the forces of nature obey Him. He has power over all of life and even death itself. Jesus has power today to change a life completely. This series of eight programs portrays some of the great miracles He did, demonstrating His power.


To lead the listener to commit his or her life to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The listener will realize that no case is hopeless because Jesus has all power.

  1. 001 Jesus Changed Water to Wine
  2. 002 Jesus Raised a Young Man from the Dead
  3. 003 Jesus Stilled the Storm at Sea
  4. 004 Jesus Raised a Young Girl from the Dead
  5. 005 Jesus Fed More Than 5,000 People With a Sack Lunch
  6. 006 Jesus Walked on the Water
  7. 007 Jesus Fed More Than 4,000 People With a Few Loaves and Fishes
  8. 008 Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead

Acts Early Christian Church:


This series of 22 programs is the thrilling account of the early Christian church portrayed in the first 12 chapters of Acts.


The purpose of this series is evangelistic: To lead the listener to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and follow Him.

Abrahams Everlasting Love:


  1. 001 Abrahams Everlasting Love
  2. 002 Rebekahs Leap of Faith
  3. 003 Jacobs Perseverance
  4. 004 Samsons Haste to get a Wife
  5. 005 Ruths Selfless Love
  6. 006 Abigails Godly Discernment
  7. 007 Hoseas Compassionate Love

Who is Jesus?:


This series of 8 dramas/study guides based on Jesus’ revelation of Himself in the Gospel of John. The series is built primarily around the great “I Am” statements of Jesus.


The purpose of the series is evangelistic: To lead the listener/reader to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and follow Him. The series provides the listener/reader with unique insights into the Person of Jesus through metaphors of everyday objects and concepts people are familiar with.

  1. 001 I Am the Living Water
  2. 002 I Am the Bread of Life
  3. 003 I Am Has Sent Me
  4. 004 I Am the Light of the World
  5. 005 I Am the True Shepherd
  6. 006 I Am the Resurrection and the Life
  7. 007 I Am the Way
  8. 008 I Am the True Vine

The Story Of Blind Bartimaeus Series:


  1. 001 Blind and Without Hope
  2. 002 A Blind Man Who Got What He Wanted

God’s Story:


This series Part 1 of 3 which are 24 episodes which takes us on a breathtaking sweep of ancient events as they are recorded in God’s Word. It is a story of great love and great loss, a story that reveals humanity at its best and at its worst; from the wonderful moments of creation to the dark days of destruction and captivity, this is the story of God actively engaged with His people and their destiny, never giving up, never letting go.

  1. 001 Creation
  2. 002 Fall
  3. 003 Deluge
  4. 004 A Tower to Heaven
  5. 005 The Promise
  6. 006 The Sacrifice
  7. 007 The Switch
  8. 008 The Brother
  9. 009 A Reluctant Spokesman - God's Call to Moses
  10. 010 One Man vs. the Gods of Egypt - Let My People Go
  11. 011 Out of Egypt - From Captivity to Liberty
  12. 012 Into the Dessert- No Longer Slaves
  13. 013 The Promised Land
  14. 014 The Second Generation
  15. 015 The Kingdom of Israel
  16. 016 The Sheperd Boy Who Killed A Giant
  17. 017 The Rise and Fall Of King David
  18. 018 The Rift
  19. 019 The Prophet
  20. 020 The Fall of Israel
  21. 021 Good King Hezekiah
  22. 022 A Bright Hope
  23. 023 The Fall of Judah
  24. 024 The Fulfillment

Simon the Leper:


  1. 001 Simon the Leper
  2. 002 Simon the Leper
  3. 003 Simon the Leper

The Left Out:


  1. 001 Veronica the Invisible Woman
  2. 002 Veronica the Invisible Woman