The purpose of these programs is to bring biblical principles and teachings to bear on issues youth and adults face as persons and
to help them find personal enrichment. The long-range goal is to lead youth and adults to trust Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Secondary goals are to help youth and adults manage issues and bridge gaps in their personal lives that will lead them to stronger
relationships with each other and peers.
Program Approach
- Pre-evangelistic drama programs for widely diverse audience.
- Non-threatening to other faiths or non-believers
- Portrays a secular front but containing Biblical principles and values from Scriptures.
- Promotes and helps build interaction and a relationship with the listener.
- Drama stories set into a contemporary setting/format.
- Dramas to 20-25 minutes (max).
- In countries where there are inherent risks associated with giving an ‘invitation’ to be a follower of Jesus, a program for radio would end without an invitation to accept Christ. However there would be a longer version with an invitation for Internet broadcasts.
- Each drama will be backed up with connective resources. These resources will be developed for internet and could be downloaded for individual or group study. The focus would be the central truth of the scriptures in which the drama program is based upon.
Incremental Message
A gradual, or incremental, presentation of the gospel message and plan of salvation can be of help to persons who have little knowledge of the Bible or who may have strong resistance to the message of Jesus Christ. Muslims and Hindus in particular may benefit from this approach. A separate set of incremental endings will be developed that our overseas partners can use as closures with the programs if desired.
These programs series will be designed for either an adult or youth listening audience – however either audience would find the series entertaining and personally enriching. They will be written in a contemporary, Western culture setting, but with the Western idiosyncrasies kept to a minimum. They can be contextualized to fit most cultures in the world.
The programs are topical in nature and are stand-alone. They are designed in “menu fashion†to allow our broadcasting partners to pick and choose individual programs to put together to form different drama series that are targeted to specific needs. Each series can be of any length, but it is anticipated that the length be 6-8 programs.
Model for Program Development
One person in the drama serves as a narrator to tie the drama together and keep it moving. However, the narration is kept to a minimum. There is a large amount of dialogue and action throughout the drama. Suspense, conflict, surprise and resolution are important elements of the drama. Music and sound effects and known environments are used throughout the dramas.
The biblical principles and teachings brought to bear upon the issue come from different sources in the dramas. Sometimes the source is a peer; sometimes a teacher or community leader; sometimes a neighbor or relative; sometimes the parent will arrive at a sound, biblical decision. Care will be taken not to bring a neat and happy closure to every program. Life is not that way. So each program will not necessarily represent a neat package with successful closure; jagged edges may remain.
Topical and contemporary in nature, the programs are 20 minutes in length. Two youth from two different families serve as “anchor youth†to tie all the programs together.
Bob, a 17-year-old boy, is from a broken home and lives with his mother. His father has remarried and has stepchildren as well as children with his second wife. The boy and his mother and father are all non-Christians.
Susan, a 16-year-old girl, lives with her mother and father and 12-year-old brother. The family is non-Christian.
The boy and girl live in the same community in an urban setting. They are friends. Other youth and families appear in the different programs as the various issues are developed. Each drama will have a protagonist, or leading character. It may or may not be Bob or Susan. Often, there will be one or more antagonists, or adversaries to the protagonist.

Topical and contemporary in nature, the programs are 25 minutes in length. Two families, one traditional and one non-traditional, will serve as “anchors†to tie all the programs together.
A single parent and multiple children household will be developed as one family model All may be non-Christians, except one of the children, a 16-year-old female who has a questioning sense of God. A second family with two parents, 3 children and a grandparent will anchor the second family. All are non-believers.
The families live in the same community in an urban setting. They are friends. Other youth, relatives, community characters and families appear in the different programs as the various issues are developed. Each drama will have a protagonist or leading character. There will be one or more antagonists, or adversaries to the protagonist which are in each family.