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What is God Like? (Chichewa):


  1. 001 God Knows Who I Am
  2. 002 God Is Our Heavenly Father
  3. 003 Jesus Is God
  4. 004 A Picture of God

Hard Questions About God (Chichewa):


  1. 001 Is There a God
  2. 002 Does God Care About Me
  3. 003 Does God Know Who I Am
  4. 004 Why Does God Allow Suffering
  5. 005 Why God Allows Suffering
  6. 006 Why Do the Just Die Young
  7. 007 Why Does Evil Always Seem to Win

Jesus The Compassionate Savior (Swahili):


  1. 01 - Jesus Heals The Sick
  2. 02 - Jesus Helps The Helpless
  3. 03 - Jesus Clothes The Naked
  4. 04 - Jesus Feeds The Hungry
  5. 05 - Jesus Gives Hope To The Hopeless
  6. 06 - Jesus Gives Sight To The Blind
  7. 07 - Jesus Comforts The Broken Hearted
  8. 08 - Jesus Saves The Lost

Four Great Events in the Life of Jesus (Portuguese):


  1. 01 - Jesus Died on the Cross
  2. 02 - Jesus Rose from the dead
  3. 03 - Jesus Ascended to Heaven
  4. 04 - Jesus Will Return to Earth